Times Square movie poster, Japan, June 1981


Times Square opened in Japan on June 20, 1981. I don’t know if Robin and her mom made it there on their promotional tour. I do know that the Japanese publicity for the movie relied heavily on it being a hip young American movie, and illustrated that fact in a

Another Italian Times Square Lobby Poster


This is exactly what the post title says: a second lobby poster from Italy. There may be more, but so far I’ve only come across two. The text is exactly the same as the other one and the Italian movie poster. Robin as Nicky is on the left, in a

Times Square Lobby Poster, Italy


A little less than half the size of a standard one-sheet poster, and not quite twice the size of a lobby card, this was apparently designed for display in theater lobbies in Italy. I guess this is what they got in place of lobby cards, which still puts them way

Locandina Times Square (Movie Poster, Italy)


“And for the first time on the screen, Robin Johnson…”… The Italian movie poster features the American logo and the British painting of Nicky, but although it has some of the yellow-orange tint of the Belgian poster, it retains the artist’s signature by her knee and the attention to detail

Times Square Press Synopsis and Credits


This was sold as a “Press Kit,” but it’s just the one sheet of A4-size paper with a very complete synopsis of the film on one side and the full cast and credits on the other. It was definitely used for publicity purposes in the UK, but the logo on

Screen International No. 246, June 21-28, 1980


This is the fifth appearance Times Square made in the press that I know of. The first was a mention in Radio and Records, the date of which I’m uncertain, but since it describes the movie as coming out in the summer I’m placing it first — possibly even as

U.K. Lobby Cards (post 3 of 3)


Finally we get a couple photos with Robin front and center and facing the camera. The first is as Nicky is dragged from the WJAD studio screaming for Pammy. In the film, we see this entirely looking down from Johnny’s control room. That’s the leg of George Morfogen on the

U.K. Lobby Cards (post 2 of 3)


  This shot of Nicky joining in as Pammy dances at the Cleo Club appears to me to have been taken within seconds of TS-104-17A/7 from the US Press Materials folder, and this color 8×10, the purpose of which I still don’t know. (Its post is here.) Although the presence

U.K. Lobby Cards (post 1 of 3)


There were no lobby cards for Times Square in the US, only 8″ x 10″ black and white stills. The rest of the world was more fortunate. At least eight lobby cards were released to theaters in the UK (although I suspect there was at least one more). Some of

Times Square U.K. Quad Poster


A standard one-sheet movie poster is 40 inches high by 27 inches wide. A “quad” poster, which I don’t think they make anymore, is 40 inches wide by 30 inches high. EMI took this extra space and zoomed in on the top two-thirds of the painting, cutting it off just