Interview, Vol. X No. 12, December 1980


Here, in the December issue of Andy Warhol's Interview magazine, is Robin getting her fifteen minutes. A gorgeous glamor photo by photographer Peter Strongwater, and a stunningly non-realistic description of Times Square's success... Robin was…

Playboy, Vol. 28 No. 1, January 1981


"The raggle-taggle queen of the night is Robin..." Bruce Williamson didn't not like Times Square, but he couldn't ignore its flaws... still, his review in the January Playboy was generally positive, appreciating the film's visual…

US Magazine, Vol. 4 No. 18, December 23, 1980


"... a pouty thrush named Robin lights up Times Square." RSO's and AFD's publicity departments were sure that Times Square would be a hit, and more importantly, that Robin would be the breakout star, and…