Filmstar, Vol. 1 No. 6, Thailand, October 1981


        I would think that by October of 1981, a year after its initial release in New York, and two or three months after its Thai release, Times Square would have long since closed in Thailand and become a distant memory. But that didn’t stop Filmstar magazine

Suplemento de Espectaculos El Heraldo de Mexico, No. 820, August 9, 1981


“If there’s one thing I defend fiercely, it’s my private life.” The Sunday entertainment supplement to El Heraldo de Mexico put Robin on its cover on August 9, 1981. I don’t know for sure if Robin’s publicity tour took her to Mexico City, but the two photos by Raul “Speedy”

Dolly No. 128, June 1981


“I love to sing but whether people like to hear me, is another matter.”       Times Square was a distant memory in the US in June 1981, when Dolly No. 128 came out in Australia. Alison Gardner’s interview with Robin covers little new ground, repeating Robin’s discovery on

Joepie, No. 365, March 15, 1981


“Geef mij maar New Wave.” I don’t know when Times Square opened in Belgium and the Netherlands, but the weekly entertainment magazine Joepie (which Google wants to translate for me as “Yay,” but I think is more properly “Whoopie!”), devoted two pages in its March 15, 1981 issue to an

Record Mirror, January 31, 1981


“‘Oh, I’ve been known to curse in my time…'”   RSO had evidently come to the realization that Robin was the film’s major selling point, so they sent her to England accompanied by her mom to promote Times Square’s opening and herself. The interviews she gave must have occurred even

Interview, Vol. X No. 12, December 1980


Here, in the December issue of Andy Warhol’s Interview magazine, is Robin getting her fifteen minutes. A gorgeous glamor photo by photographer Peter Strongwater, and a stunningly non-realistic description of Times Square’s success… Robin was truly the toast of New York, for at least as long as it took to

Seventeen Magazine, Vol. 39 No. 10, October 1980


            Again presuming that any magazine dated October probably came out in September before the movie opened, here’s an interview with Robin that appeared as two pages of Edwin Miller’s “Spotlight: Movies, records, personalities” column.     The full column led off on page 93