Times Square isn’t a punk picture”


  Magazines are dated ahead by their publishers to try to keep them on the stands longer than their competitors. The date on a magazine usually refers to when it is supposed to be replaced…

“The Trend Settles in New York”


I confess I don't quite understand what that title means. Am I missing something clever?   This article was published at the end of April 1980, from an interview done when there were two weeks…

“Damn Dog”


[caption id="attachment_592" align="alignleft" width="300"] Left to right: Trini Alvarado, Robin Johnson, Artie Weinstein, Paul Sass. Just beyond the periphery: Billy Mernit[/caption] Back to the 8 x 10 Kodak prints... here's another shot of Robin as…

TIMES SQUARE Screenplay, 1979


So the story goes, Allan Moyle and Leanne Ungar rented an apartment on 42nd Street, having come to New York from a vibrant filmmaking scene in Montreal. They bought a used couch and found in…