U.K. Lobby Cards (post 2 of 3)


  This shot of Nicky joining in as Pammy dances at the Cleo Club appears to me to have been taken within seconds of TS-104-17A/7 from the US Press Materials folder, and this color 8×10, the purpose of which I still don’t know. (Its post is here.) Although the presence

Another 2-fer


Two more UK black and white press photos on a single 8 x 10 print. Like the previous one of these, we have here one familiar picture and one new one.     At least I’ve never seen the top photo before, of Nicky waiting for her cue from Johnny

“Nick & Slick”


Two UK black and white press photos on a single 8 x 10 print. Who exactly printed these, and why, are mysteries, as I haven’t yet come across any publication that used them, but their country of origin is made clear by the captions announcing Times Square’s release in the

Times Square UK Press Kit (post 3 of 4)


First, some pictures.     UK Press Kit photo #5 is another headshot of Tim Curry, this time as Johnny appears at the end of the film as he’s watching the concert though his telescope on the deck outside WJAD. The most interesting thing about this photo is, at first

Close-up of Robin Johnson as Nicky, from a shot in the soundtrack promo video not in the movie.

Times Square Soundtrack Promotional Video


Apparently, in 1980, RSO sent this videotape to record retailers to play in-store to promote the soundtrack to Times Square. It features the two songs performed in the film, “Your Daughter Is One” and “Damn Dog.” The fact that the lyrics to “Your Daughter Is One” consist primarily of curse

Soundtrack Promotional Poster OP-200


“O” is for “oversized,” I assume. This image is the same size as the image of the last poster, but trust me, the actual poster is double the size — just as tall and twice as wide. At four feet wide, it may be the largest poster in my collection;

The U.S. Movie Poster


The final design for the movie poster retains the two overlapping askew rectangles from the poster side of the double-sided poster. That poster had a black rectangle over a purple rectangle over a red background; here it’s changed to yellow over blue over white. The colorized collage of Nicky and

Designed to be opened one fold at a time, the blue side ia a promotional presentation for "Times Square" and its soundtrack, and the red side is a full poster. This is the red side. Text: TIMES SQUARE Can you feel my fever? Can you hear me howl? I'm just a Damn Dog. Tune into me because I am tuned into you. STICK IT IN YOUR EAR. NO SENSE MAKES SENSE They tell me I'm crazy. But the truth is I just know bullshit when I see it.

The Mystery of the Double-Sided Poster, Side Two


Fully opening the two-sided poster reveals my favorite version of the image most associated with Times Square. As I mentioned last time, I find the red background more visually pleasing than the yellow used on the movie poster and soundtrack album cover. There are several other differences in this version,

Times Square Press Material folder (post 4 of 5)


  On the left is the same photo as this one, cropped differently and of course without the autograph. On the right is the photo that may be the one used the most to promote the film. We’ll have a better idea about that once I’m done with all this

Times Square Press Material folder (post 3 of 5)


“… in one of those inexplicable chance occasions, out of the blue, Robin Johnson appeared…”   Four more stills from the Times Square U.S. press kit. I don’t really have anything to say about these, but when have I let that stop me. It means nothing, but I notice in