Times Square UK Lobby Cards, 1st Set (post 2 of 4)


Cards 5 through 8 from what I believe to be the first of two sets of Times Square lobby cards distributed in the UK in late 1980 or early 1981:


Nicky joining in as Pammy dances and Roberto (Miguel Pinero) looks on bemusedly, was in the other set of UK lobby cards, on the third Yugoslavian lobby card poster, a German lobby card, and on the back of a Japanese promotional flyer.










Aggie Doon at the mic with Artie Weinstein obscured behind her on drums was on the second Yugoslavian lobby card poster, and printed with Artie cropped out in Joepie No. 365.










The wider shot of that scene was used on the third Yugoslavian lobby card poster, and is most notable as far as I’m concerned for being nearly, but not, identical to this color 8×10 that as far as I know was first seen by the public on this very website.










Pammy and Nicky having a giggle performing “Your Daughter Is One” was repeated in the second set of UK lobby cards, and was used on the Yugoslavian lobby poster. The “Rickenbacker” nameplate on Nicky’s guitar was removed before the take used in the film.



[TIMES SQUARE UK lobby cards, set 1, 5-8 of 16]
UK : lobby cards : AAT ID: 300208593 : 28 x 36 cm. : 1981 (works);
848 x 1080 px, 96 dpi, 484 kb
841 x 1080 px, 96 dpi, 394 kb
842 x 1080 px, 96 dpi, 550 kb
835 x 1080 px, 96 dpi, 527 kb (images)


Times Square ©1980 StudioCanal/Canal+


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