Times Square Premiere, 14 October 1980


Times Square had its premiere at the Ziegfeld Theater at 141 West 54th Street (which was still there when I first wrote this entry, but joined most of the locations in the movie when it closed its doors for the final time on January 29, and was gutted the next

Another Full-Page Times Square Teaser Ad


The same ad as last time, this one appearing on the inside front cover of Circus No. 248, dated October 28, 1980. As the ad is for a movie opening October 17, the magazine must have come out before then. Either that, or it came out bursting with hope as

Tiger Beat Vol. 17 No. 2, November 1980


      The November Tiger Beat also came out before Times Square’s October release, judging by the full-page teaser ad that ran on page 29.     In fact we can narrow down the date it came out to sometime between the releases of the first two singles from