Times Square UK Lobby Cards, 1st Set (post 2 of 4)


Cards 5 through 8 from what I believe to be the first of two sets of Times Square lobby cards distributed in the UK in late 1980 or early 1981:   Nicky joining in as Pammy dances and Roberto (Miguel Pinero) looks on bemusedly, was in the other set of

Guerreras de Nueva York (Times Square movie poster, Mexico, 1981)


Warriors of New York came out in Mexico in 1981, and its poster was a collage of publicity stills and the European poster painting. To my mind, though, the most interesting thing about it, even more than the new title, is that Robin Johnson has top billing, and Tim Curry

15 or 16 UK Promo Photos


As promised, here are all I have so far from the series of 8×10 black and white publicity stills from the UK, whose only true common denominator is that they have a small one- or two-digit number on a tiny inset square as part of the print. The typical still

UK Promo Photos 4, 13, and 21, 1980-81


Typically, shortly before my last post was published (but weeks after I’d initially written it), five more stills from the UK series turned up. Two were duplicates of numbers 20 and 29, but the others were new to me. They follow the series’ general conventions of being black and white