Interview, Vol. X No. 12, December 1980


Here, in the December issue of Andy Warhol’s Interview magazine, is Robin getting her fifteen minutes. A gorgeous glamor photo by photographer Peter Strongwater, and a stunningly non-realistic description of Times Square’s success… Robin was truly the toast of New York, for at least as long as it took to

Playboy, Vol. 28 No. 1, January 1981


“The raggle-taggle queen of the night is Robin…” Bruce Williamson didn’t not like Times Square, but he couldn’t ignore its flaws… still, his review in the January Playboy was generally positive, appreciating the film’s visual evocation of Times Square and, like most other reviewers, Robin’s performance. The two bunny-heads meant

US Magazine, Vol. 4 No. 18, December 23, 1980


“… a pouty thrush named Robin lights up Times Square.” RSO’s and AFD’s publicity departments were sure that Times Square would be a hit, and more importantly, that Robin would be the breakout star, and the Hollywood press agreed long enough for US magazine to run her picture as one

Monthly Film Bulletin, Vol. 47 No. 562, November 1980


Pictures, but not of Robin. What a cheap post.   Robin is mentioned quite a bit though in Gilbert Adair’s surprisingly positive and intellectual review, about which Karen (DefeatedandGifted) has written a much more incisive piece than I could ever hope to. So I suggest you just click that link

Gene Siskel Times Square review, November 19 1980


No pictures this time. Sorry. I’ll make it up to you eventually. Gene Siskel reviewed Times Square on page 6 of Section 3 of the November 19 Chicago Tribune. He gave it two stars, and those two stars were Robin Johnson and Trini Alvarado. No, he didn’t literally say that,

Soundtrack Ad, Melody Maker, November 15, 1980


“AFTER ALL THE MOVIE ALBUMS RELEASED THIS YEAR COMES THE DEFINITIVE ROCK SOUNDTRACK FROM THE FORTHCOMING ROBERT STIGWOOD FILM ‘TIMES SQUARE'”         Even as Times Square was opening and closing in the United States, the mighty RSO promotion machine was hard at work in the United Kingdom,

New York Magazine, Vol. 13 No. 43, November 3, 1980


“Trini Alvarado and Robin Johnson, the teenage stars of Times Square, show us their offscreen style.” This article is another of the few things I collected at the time of the movie, since there was (and still is) no official merchandise, and none of the surplus publicity materials had yet

Rolling Stone No. 329, October 30 1980


Sorry to jump back in time a few weeks, but I only just got this one. It’s another full-page movie teaser ad, this one from page 29 of the the October 30 Rolling Stone. It’s the same as the others, only bigger. Well, that and the colors behind the tagline

“Crude cliches clutter up ‘Times Square’”


  Mr. Bailey wants to like the movie, he really does, but he just can’t see it appealing to adults, because gosh darn it it just doesn’t make any sense. It may appeal to the Tiger Beat audience though, because as he admits, “it’s still fun.” He also sees the

Movie ad from the Trenton Times, October 19, 1980


    Well. This was in the local paper Sunday, October 19, and since I wouldn’t have clipped it before I’d seen the movie, Kurt and I must have seen it either opening night or Saturday. I remember we’d been looking forward to the New Tim Curry movie, and I