Movie ad from the Trenton Times, October 19, 1980


Times Square movie ad, Sunday Times Magazine, October 19 1980, p.12; Trenton, NJ




This was in the local paper Sunday, October 19, and since I wouldn’t have clipped it before I’d seen the movie, Kurt and I must have seen it either opening night or Saturday. I remember we’d been looking forward to the New Tim Curry movie, and I guess now we’d been REALLY looking forward to it. There aren’t times listed for Friday or Saturday so I can’t be certain what showing it was, but I seem to recall wandering around the record stores in the mall after while waiting for whichever of our parents was coming to pick us up, so the 6:30 is a good bet.

I also saw it once again on my own after that, and made another round of the record stores, but I don’t remember what day that might have been. I do know that, though I may have gone the first time for Tim, I went back for Robin.

The Quaker Bridge 4 was the only area theater it was in. I think it ran for two weeks.



Times Square movie ad; clipping from Sunday Times Magazine, October 19 1980, p.12; Trenton, NJ (work);
1980-10-19 RJ TS Advertisement Sunday Times Magazine p 12 (Trenton)_layers_1080px.jpg, 1080 px (H) x 398 px (W), 96 dpi, 283 KB;


Times Square ©1980 StudioCanal/Canal+


2 Replies to “Movie ad from the Trenton <em>Times</em>, October 19, 1980”

  1. I recall that I went with my family from Harrison, NY to a Brooklyn, NY theater where Robin was involved in an *opening* event for her movie.

    I think I thought she was much better than I expected, the background music was amazing, but the movie seemed a bit disjointed … the party at Robin’s family apartment after the movie … no, my memories are disjointed…I am recalling the party at her apartment after her high school graduation.

    I can’t recall what my family did after the showing.

    I do think I found the whole event a bit overwhelming, but I was kind of puffed up to be related to one of the stars.

    Wow … that was a long time ago. I still am impressed that there are folks chatting about the movie and her.

    I may be the only one in the family … those that are still living, that find this site and you folks pretty special !

    I know I will always find you guys special. I wish my niece could still enjoy your long standing love of the movie and the music. She did hang around the acting world for several more years, but none of her projects were ever quite in the same stratosphere as Times Square.

    Thank You !

    1. Hi JJ! I think I remember you mentioning the Brooklyn premiere and that they gave out copies of the white soundtrack sampler record there. Am I remembering right? Are you remembering right? 😉 If you have any other recollections about it, such as if any of the other stars were there (which I suppose would have been only Trini since she was the only other one to attend the Manhattan premiere as far as I know), please don’t hesitate to share!

      Times Square, for better or worse, had easily ten times the amount of publicity materials as the rest of Robin’s all too brief acting career combined. So even though I’m a fan of her as an actress it’s hard not to make this seem like a Times Square site, not that there’s anything wrong with that. I wish, as you do, that she had a more, let’s say, pleasant relationship with those years of her life.

      Just remind her sometime, without being pushy, if there’s ever a good moment to slip it into conversation, that she touched a lot of people and continues to do so, and there’s a lot of us out here who love her very much, and you and I at least will do our best to keep them all far away from her if that’s what she wants.

      You’re welcome! And, thank you!

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