Times Square newspaper movie ad negatives, 1980


Exactly what it says on the label – four pieces of black-and-white film apparently used to print newspaper ads with, dating from October 1980 or shortly before. The seller of these items thought they were for printing posters, but the images are of such low quality, and black-and-white, that even

Gene Siskel Times Square review, November 19 1980


No pictures this time. Sorry. I’ll make it up to you eventually. Gene Siskel reviewed Times Square on page 6 of Section 3 of the November 19 Chicago Tribune. He gave it two stars, and those two stars were Robin Johnson and Trini Alvarado. No, he didn’t literally say that,

“Crude cliches clutter up ‘Times Square’”


  Mr. Bailey wants to like the movie, he really does, but he just can’t see it appealing to adults, because gosh darn it it just doesn’t make any sense. It may appeal to the Tiger Beat audience though, because as he admits, “it’s still fun.” He also sees the

Movie ad from the Trenton Times, October 19, 1980


    Well. This was in the local paper Sunday, October 19, and since I wouldn’t have clipped it before I’d seen the movie, Kurt and I must have seen it either opening night or Saturday. I remember we’d been looking forward to the New Tim Curry movie, and I