Just what it says on the tin. This is the same basic image as would later be published in the Thai magazine Filmstar Vol. 1 No. 3 in August 1981, and used as a publicity still in Germany in 1982. The German version has a tiny number 22 inserted at the bottom like the UK series of photos, which is what led me to suspect that it was derived from a UK still; however, this still, although it’s of overall better quality than the German one, has no number on the front. Instead, it has “22” handwritten on the back in blue ink, and is stamped “MASTER” across the front. Perhaps it was the last copy in the file, used as a reminder of what went in there when more were printed? I have no idea. I do know that it shows less of Robin’s left hand than the Thai version, and less at the bottom than the German one. In fact, the number 22 would disappear if the German one was cropped like this one. It also shows less at the top than the German version, but more of Trini’s knee and hand at the left.
So, although this is the best version of this shot yet to turn up, none of them yet contain the full image from the negative. For whatever that’s worth forty years later.
Would you like to know more?
15 or 16 UK Promo Photos
More stills from the UK series
black-and-white photograph, AAT ID: 300128347
UK, 1981 ; 8 x 10 in. (work)
1080 px (H) x 863 px (W), 96 dpi, 332 kb (image)