Times Square UK Press Kit (post 3 of 4)


First, some pictures.     UK Press Kit photo #5 is another headshot of Tim Curry, this time as Johnny appears at the end of the film as he’s watching the concert though his telescope on the deck outside WJAD. The most interesting thing about this photo is, at first

Times Square UK Press Kit (post 2 of 4)


The UK press kit contains a photo caption sheet indicating that there should be 11 photos, and indeed there are, but they don’t match up with the captions. This is the main reason I don’t think my copy of the press kit is complete. On the other hand, it means

Playboy, Vol. 28 No. 1, January 1981


“The raggle-taggle queen of the night is Robin…” Bruce Williamson didn’t not like Times Square, but he couldn’t ignore its flaws… still, his review in the January Playboy was generally positive, appreciating the film’s visual evocation of Times Square and, like most other reviewers, Robin’s performance. The two bunny-heads meant

New York Magazine, Vol. 13 No. 43, November 3, 1980


“Trini Alvarado and Robin Johnson, the teenage stars of Times Square, show us their offscreen style.” This article is another of the few things I collected at the time of the movie, since there was (and still is) no official merchandise, and none of the surplus publicity materials had yet

Times Square Premiere, 14 October 1980


Times Square had its premiere at the Ziegfeld Theater at 141 West 54th Street (which was still there when I first wrote this entry, but joined most of the locations in the movie when it closed its doors for the final time on January 29, and was gutted the next

Close-up of Robin Johnson as Nicky, from a shot in the soundtrack promo video not in the movie.

Times Square Soundtrack Promotional Video


Apparently, in 1980, RSO sent this videotape to record retailers to play in-store to promote the soundtrack to Times Square. It features the two songs performed in the film, “Your Daughter Is One” and “Damn Dog.” The fact that the lyrics to “Your Daughter Is One” consist primarily of curse

Soundtrack Promotional Poster OP-200


“O” is for “oversized,” I assume. This image is the same size as the image of the last poster, but trust me, the actual poster is double the size — just as tall and twice as wide. At four feet wide, it may be the largest poster in my collection;

Soundtrack Promotional Poster P-201


  The top of this poster uses the elements of the album cover art. The text strips have been moved, and the title has been enlarged, tilted to the right rather than the left, and has had most of its color removed, all to take advantage of the larger space

AFD Campaign Pressbook (pages 1-4)


“Newcomer Robin Johnson is a revelation as Nicky…”   The Campaign Pressbook from Associated Film Distribution was a promotional tool for theater owners. The first part repeated almost verbatim the biographical articles from the Press Materials folder, but supplied them in a format with illustrations that could be sent directly

U.S. Insert Card Poster


  Insert cards aren’t made anymore, but they were my favorite form of movie poster, because the three windows in my bedroom way back when were spaced perfectly to fit two insert cards between. Also, the heavier card stock made them more durable when taking them down and putting them