Three photos from March 1981


I know nothing about these photos, except that they date from March 1981, and that they’re owned by Trinity Mirror and are part of the Daily Mirror Mirrorpix archive. In my opinion, they’re similar in style to photos that were published in Australia and presumably taken during her visit there,

Times Square Movie Poster, Belgium


  So, after the Belgian publicity, here’s the Belgian movie poster, with text in both Dutch and French. The image is the Cummins painting from the British poster… although the signature is gone, there’s an overall reddish tint to it, and there are lots of tiny differences that certainly make

Joepie, No. 365, March 15, 1981


“Geef mij maar New Wave.” I don’t know when Times Square opened in Belgium and the Netherlands, but the weekly entertainment magazine Joepie (which Google wants to translate for me as “Yay,” but I think is more properly “Whoopie!”), devoted two pages in its March 15, 1981 issue to an

Films Illustrated Vol. 10 No. 114, March 1981


In the February 1981 Films Illustrated, David Quinlan took a paragraph to give Times Square a three-star review, saying essentially that it’s a decent popcorn movie in spite of its many flaws. In this next issue, Douglas Slater takes three full pages to give Times Square one of its best

Time Out No. 567, February 25, 1981


“Of course Robert [Stigwood] wants to make money. Money is the bottom line. But I don’t think he is using me for that prime reason … I hope not, God.”   Robin made the cover of London’s Time Out, sort of, to illustrate their cover story, an in-depth analysis of



  WHAT: A yellow-orange, red, and black sticker, 2¼ inches in diameter, with text reading “Times Square is music of the streets.” WHERE: Australia. The tag line on the Australian posters was “Times Square is the music of the streets.” The sticker omits the first “the.” Also, where the phrase

Times Square Australian Daybill


  According to IMDb, Times Square opened in Australia on February 6, 1981. Robin and her mother went there to continue RSO/EMI’s publicity tour, and I’m pretty sure she made a brief but strong impression on Australian television discussing her discovery and career-to-come. As this was just before the home

Movie 81 No. 2, February 1981


“There’s a hot new talent, Robin Johnson in Robert Stigwood’s Times Square…”   Times Square was still in theaters in London when the February Movie 81 came out in Australia and editor John Fraser made the above announcement.   The two-page spread later in the issue is comprised of “An

UK Promo Photo #29


The promotional stills for Times Square in the UK generally had a few things in common. They were full-bleed, with no white border like their US counterparts. When they did have a border, it was even all the way around, where the American ones often had a large area at