U.K. Lobby Cards (post 3 of 3)


UK Lobby Card 7 of 8: Nicky is dragged from the studio. Color 8"x10" lobby card, 1981 Text: TIMES SQUARE AA Released by COLUMBIA - EMI - WARNER Distributors Limited. EMI A Member of the THORN EMI Group An EMI-ITC Production This copyright advertising material is licensed and not sold and is the property of National Screen Service Ltd. and upon completion of the exhibition for which it has been licensed it should be returned to National Screen Service Ltd. Printed in Great Britain.

Finally we get a couple photos with Robin front and center and facing the camera. The first is as Nicky is dragged from the WJAD studio screaming for Pammy. In the film, we see this entirely looking down from Johnny’s control room. That’s the leg of George Morfogen on the left, playing station manager Don Dowd. All his lines in the script were cut from the film,Nicky is dragged from the WJAD studio : frame from TIMES SQUARE (1980) but he got to deliver a sad nod when Johnny cuts Nicky’s live broadcast, and take Nicky’s guitar as JoJo and Simon drag her from the room. In the shot used in the film, the guitar faces the other way as he grabs it.


UK Lobby Card 8 of 8: The Concert in Times Square. Color 8"x10" lobby card, 1981: Pammy watches as Nicky sings "Damn Dog" atop the TImes Square Theater marquee. Text: TIMES SQUARE AA Released by COLUMBIA - EMI - WARNER Distributors Limited. EMI A Member of the THORN EMI Group An EMI-ITC Production This copyright advertising material is licensed and not sold and is the property of National Screen Service Ltd. and upon completion of the exhibition for which it has been licensed it should be returned to National Screen Service Ltd. Printed in Great Britain.


Pammy beams at Nicky atop the Times Square Theater marquee : frame from TIMES SQUARE (1980)

Pammy beams at Nicky atop the Times Square Theater marquee : frame from TIMES SQUARE (1980)

And here’s Pammy beaming as Nicky sings “Damn Dog” atop the Times Square Theater marquee. Of course nothing in the film is shot from quite this angle; the closest image has Pammy to the left instead of the right. In other similar shots, Nicky’s sweater sleeves are down instead of pushed up by her elbows.

I’ve mentioned previously that these images had been previously scanned and posted, with the lobby card text cropped out. The page on which they’re posted also includes several scans of images from the US Press Materials folder, also with the borders and text information cropped off. There are three color images (reproduced below) that share the dimensions of the UK lobby card images, which leads me to believe that they originally were UK lobby cards. That makes a total of 11 lobby cards, which is a strange number, so I also think there’s one more that’s yet to turn up.



[Robin Johnson as Nicky being dragged from the WJAD studio]
[Robin Johnson and Trini Alvarado as Nicky and Pammy atop the Times Square Theater marquee]
Lobby cards (AAT ID: 300208593)
8 in (H) x 10 in. (W)
1981, Great Britain (works);
1080 px (W) x 855 px (H), 96 dpi, 637 kb
1080 px (W) x 853 px (H), 96 dpi, 551 kb (images)



853 px (W) x 480 px (H), 72 dpi (images)
frame captures from Times Square (1980)
captured 2016-08-07


MSDTISQ EC002 (262141_full.jpg)
1000 px (W) x 664 px (H), 300 dpi, 113 KB (image)
MSDTISQ EC001 (262140_full.jpg)
1000 px (W) x 667 px (H), 300 dpi, 83.3 KB (image)
MSDTISQ EC003 (262142_full.jpg)
1000 px (W) x 673 px (H), 300 dpi, 79.4 KB (image)
retrieved on 2014-10-25 from “Times Square.” Cineplex. Cineplex Entertainment LP, n.d.


Times Square ©1980 StudioCanal/Canal+


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