

This week, the fee for the webspace and domain name is due. For the last few years, it’s been about $50. This year, it’s about $75.

As well, new items turn up sporadically. I’ve spent about $65 in the last two weeks adding to the collection.

I’d probably do that anyway. I’d probably keep the web thing going as well anyway. But, it’s not free, and it does require a moment’s thought each time, to decide if this next expense is really worth it. And, sometimes the answer is no.

I’ve had ads in the site since last December. So far they’ve earned 18ยข. I’ll probably get rid of them. I’m looking into setting up a Patreon thing. If you don’t want to wait for that, you can send donations through PayPal if you’re so moved, to jd[at]robinjohnson[dot]net.

What I’m saying is, I’ll probably keep collecting RJ material whatever happens. The time and expense of sharing it with the world, well, that could become problematic (though it isn’t yet), and I’ll gladly take all the help I can get.

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