Did you know that before Times Square opened on October 17, 1980, before its big premiere on October 14, there were multiple sneak previews on October 3? Neither did I, until this turned up.

Advertisement for a same-day sneak preview of TIMES SQUARE from the New York Daily News, Friday, October 3, 1980.

I wonder if the film the preview audiences saw was edited at all differently from the wide release…




One Reply to “<em>Times Square</em> Sneak Preview!

  1. Hi Robin, I just watched Times Square for the first time. I’m in West Australia so don’t recall the movie? Obviously, because I’m now 75, I would have been too busy to see it in the cinema in 1980s(kids, career, mortgage etc).
    My wife Kath and I have been to NYC and stayed with my cousin, Peggy in Yonkers. Another cousin, John lives up the road in ?Pleasantville.
    I hope life is treating you well these days,
    Mike Fenton

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