On The Road, 1980


Robin and Trini, but mostly Robin, crossed the country and later traveled the world doing publicity for Times Square. They did The John Davidson Show together, and Robin was a guest on The Merv Griffin Show. I didn’t see the John Davidson appearance, but I managed to record Robin’s Merv Griffin interview on audio cassette. Unfortunately, that cassette is one of many things to have gone missing since 1980. I still have hope it’ll turn up someday, but not a lot of hope.


Robin Johnson during a press junket in San Francisco, 1980.  Photo by Bill Cogan Photography.
“Oh yeah! During a press junket in S.F. in 1980 at some nightclub. Was probably a bit ‘Lit’-up here!”
    — Robin Johnson, June 2014






Something that did turn up, though, is this photograph. The back has handwritten on it, “18” and “Robin Johnson”, and is stamped “Bill Cogan Photography.” Sadly, photographer Bill Cogan passed away in 2009.



[Photograph of Robin Johnson by Bill Cogan Photography], San Francisco, 1980
black-and-white print (photograph), AAT ID: 300128349
8″ (W) x 10″ (H)
inscription: [on reverse]
[stamped in black:]
Bill Cogan Photography
582 Market St.
San Francisco, Cal. 94104
Phone 415 – 391-1350
[handwritten in pencil:]
Robin Johnson
1980_RJ Headshot_San_Franciso_grayscale auto_1080px.jpg
1080 px (H) x 874 px (W), 96 dpi, 370 kb (image)



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