Another Full-Page Times Square Teaser Ad


"Times Square" teaser ad from Circus, No. 248, October 28 1980, p. 2
The same ad as last time, this one appearing on the inside front cover of Circus No. 248, dated October 28, 1980. As the ad is for a movie opening October 17, the magazine must have come out before then. Either that, or it came out bursting with hope as Times Square was closing in theaters across America. (But no, it’s the former; as I’ve noted before, a magazine’s cover date is the date it’s to be taken off sale and replaced by the next issue.)Circus, No. 248, October 28 1980, p. 1 (cover)


Unlike Tiger Beat, Circus was too cool to mention Times Square anywhere in the editorial content.



Circus, No. 248, October 28, 1980, pp. 1-2 (work);
Circus-No-248-p-2_1080px.jpg, 1080 px (H) x 803 px (W), 96 dpi, 563 KB;
Circus-No-248-p-1_1080px.jpg, 1080 px (H) x 816 px (W), 96 dpi, 568 KB;


Circus ©1980 Circus Enterprises Corporation


Times Square ©1980 StudioCanal/Canal+


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