More Times Square German press photos, 1982


      The next German press photo from Schröder-Filmverleih had previously seen publication in Filmstar Vol. 1 No. 3, in Thailand. The Filmstar version shows less of the image at the left, and more of Nicky’s hand on the right, so there must have been a more complete version

“Damn Dog”


Back to the 8 x 10 Kodak prints… here’s another shot of Robin as Nicky dressed up as Aggie playing “Damn Dog” in the Cleo Club, and as always, there’s no frame in the film that matches up. The frame I’ve chosen is the only one where Robin has both

Aggie Doon


“Words cannot express the sheer unbelievability of this performer and her material.” Here we have Robin on set at the Cleo Club, in the full Aggie Doon getup. Her hair is now slicked back, and the cheap Kent has been replaced with an expensive Rickenbacker 360 (funny how both guitars