I watched Miami Vice , well at least until maybe the middle of 1986, by which time it seemed as if it had always been on... but somehow, I managed to miss this one. I would have remembered seeing Robin Johnson on Miami Vice, but I only first saw this a few days ago.. She's in "The Score," the thirteenth episode, which first aired January 11, 1985. Here's a synopsis.
Her credit, "And Robin Johnson as Candy James," implies that they thought her name alone would attract viewers, or maybe that her character stood a chance of recurring, which, sadly, didn't happen. Candy, the only poolside hooker in Miami who never wears a bikini, would have made a great recurring character; a wiseass prostitute who can't stay out of trouble, but manages to avoid jail by doing undercover work for the police, and isn't afraid to take a few punches in the process. But, forty minutes in, they send her out for Chinese, but then the rest of them all go out for Thai, and we don't see her again.
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Images from Miami Vice ©1985 Universal City Studios.